Insider tip: small wind turbines

Installation einer Windturbine in einem verschneiten Waldgebiet
Installation of an Aggretech 10 kW system to supply energy to a private house

Advantages of small wind turbines

Small wind turbines offer many advantages, especially for private households and small businesses seeking a decentralised and sustainable energy supply:

  • Energy yield day and night

  • Energy yield and energy demand are synchronised: more wind blows in winter, when most buildings also need more energy

  • Depending on the location, in some cases considerably more economical than PV systems


In particular, the coupling with the heat supply (e.g. through heat pumps) works excellently with wind turbines in contrast to solar systems.

What authorisations are required?

Small wind turbines are all wind turbines that are less than 50 metres high from the ground to the tip of the blade.


The Federal Immission Control Act does NOT apply to these installations, i.e. the authorisation procedures are comparatively simple.


Systems with a total height of less than 10 m are even completely licence-free in most federal states!


Criteria to be fulfilled

However, small wind turbines are not suitable for every location. The following criteria should be met:

  • Free flow without major obstacles from the main wind direction (usually west or south-west)

  • Some distance to the neighbour (should be at least 50 m)

  • Fundamentally good wind potential

  • Own energy demand that can be covered by the wind power (feeding in is also possible as with PV, but is not as worthwhile as own consumption)


Do the wind power quick check now

Do you have a location that could be suitable for a small wind turbine?


Then make here the quick check.


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