"MY ENERGY.farm stands for Digitalised energy consultingthat guides property owners and managers through the energy jungle in a transparent, customer-oriented and feasible manner and makes a measurable contribution to the energy transition."

For a sustainable home of tomorrow.

Competent partner for customised energy solutions

Our aim is to pave the way to energy efficiency for you - independently of manufacturers and with a practical focus. We offer you a Holistic counsellingwhich integrates insulation, heating and renewable energies to find the most sensible solutions for your needs.

Our certified experts accompany you from the initial consultation and analysis through to the implementation of the measures and the application for funding. With our intuitive, digital customer interface you always have an overview of the project status.

No matter whether Private individuals, companies or local authorities - We offer customised solutions for every need. You can rely on our fast and transparent processing to Save time, money and energy and at the same time make a contribution to the energy transition.

Ein modernes Haus mit Solarpanelen auf dem Dach in einer grünen, ländlichen Umgebung

Dr Dragan Griebel

About me

I studied chemistry because I have always been fascinated by how matter is transformed. My curiosity led me to the research and development department of a global corporation, which I eventually headed up. I introduced hydrogen technologies and converted company sites into energy self-sufficient production facilities.
Dragan Griebel, einer der beiden CEOs von MyEnergy.farm, in einem dunkelblauen Hemd
Ole Renner, einer der beiden CEOs von MyEnergy.farm, in einem dunkelblauen Hemd

Ole Renner

About me

I am an engineer and developer. In 2015, I ventured into self-employment for the first time - with a mechanical engineering company in the wind energy sector that now has over 40 employees. Eventually, I had the idea of using my expertise and entrepreneurial experience to contribute even more directly to the energy transition. I had myself certified as an energy consultant.
Ein modernes Bürogebäude mit begrünten Fassaden und Windturbinen im Hintergrund

My Energy.farm

We are united by the idea of creating impact in the area of the energy transition. In 2019, we worked together to develop an idea that
MY ENERGY.farm: holistic, technology-neutral energy solutions for buildings - easily accessible and transparent for their owners.

We founded MyEnergy.farm in May 2021. Since then, we have been offering energy advice for residential and non-residential buildings and are increasingly relying on software developed in-house. In addition to the classic building blocks, we also utilise measures outside the current technology mainstream, such as small wind turbines, hydrogen technologies and special bivalent heating systems. This enables us to achieve particularly high CO2 savings and attractive amortisation times.

Over the next few years, we are planning to gradually automate our software-based energy consulting services in order to further accelerate the energy transition in existing buildings.

Feasible, Digitalised energy consultingthat guides building owners confidently
through the Energy jungle.


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