What does an energy consultant do? An insight from MyEnergy.farm Managing Director Ole Renner

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Would you rather listen than read? Find out what an energy consultant does in THIS PODCAST episode with Ole Renner, where he shares his expertise and explains how an energy consultant helps property owners to save energy and costs.

The word "energy advice" is being used more and more frequently in conversations about property and energy efficiency, but what does it actually mean? And how do property owners benefit from it? In the following article, our Managing Director Ole Renner gives you a detailed insight into the work of an energy consultant.

What exactly does an energy consultant do?

An energy consultant is much more than just an expert who looks at a building and makes recommendations. He acts as a navigator, guiding property owners through the often complex process of building refurbishment. He does not look at isolated areas such as heating or insulation, but sees the entire system and how the individual components are interlinked.

A good example of this is when you are considering insulating a house: Improved insulation can mean that a smaller heating system is required, which in turn results in cost savings. But what is the most economical solution? An energy consultant provides the answers and helps property owners to make decisions without having to become experts themselves.

Energy consultants also take into account the individual goals of the property owner. While some owners are looking for a short-term increase in the value of their property, others are planning for the long term and are mainly interested in low energy costs. A good energy consultant takes these factors into account and optimises accordingly.

Subsidies and neutrality of the energy consultant

Many people do not realise that there is also a considerable subsidy aspect to the energy consultant. Legislators want properties to be modernised sensibly. This is why many subsidies offered by organisations such as BAFA or KfW require the involvement of an energy consultant.

An important point here is that energy consultants must be neutral. This means that they must not be tied to specific tradespeople or providers and must not accept any commissions.

The energy consulting process

What does an energy consultant actually do? It all starts with a personal consultation. The customer's wishes and needs are first clarified and an inventory of the property is carried out. An on-site appointment enables the energy consultant to examine the building in detail, from the roof insulation to the heating technology.

After this step, all the data collected is analysed and the energy consultant draws up a plan. The aim is to show the property owner clearly and comprehensibly which energy refurbishment measures make sense.

Do you want to hear it first hand?

Of course, an article can only provide an overview. If you want to delve deeper into the subject and find out first-hand what an energy consultant does, take a look at the short interview with Ole Renner.

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Further information

Energy advice is key to using our resources responsibly and saving energy costs. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, to contact us. We are here to help you!

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